Red Flags: How to Avoid a Bad Houston Remodeler
You’ve been wanting to hire a Houston remodeler for some time now. Your bathroom could use some work and you think you’re ready to get it renovated. But as you start to plan out what could become your new oasis you wonder, “How do I avoid a bad Houston remodeler? Would I be able to spot a bad Houston contractor if I saw one?” If you’re wanting to get your home remodeled, read on to learn how to avoid hiring a bad Houston remodeler

Always vet potential contractors.

Don’t Rely on References Alone
It’s always a good idea to thoroughly check references, even ones coming from friends. Christi Thompson learned this hard way when she hired a Houston contractor based on a friend’s reference. According to a Houston Chronicle article, La Porte teacher Christi Thompson hired Houston remodeler Pete Vasquez after a friend suggested him. Her home had been damaged by Hurricane Harvey and she wanted to get things fixed quickly.
Vasquez made promises to Thompson that the work would be done fast but didn’t deliver. The lawsuit filed by Thompson states that,
“The defendant made false representations when he knowingly stated that these repairs would be done in a timely manner when, in fact, it was not done in a timely manner and the defendant never had any intention of getting these finished in a timely manner. Further, when the defendant made these representations, he knew that such representations were false.”
Now Thompson is left to pay for the damages Vasquez may have caused.This is why we recommend thoroughly researching any contractor you’re thinking of working with. This will give you insight into the type of Houston remodeler you might be considering and the work you could be getting.
If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Don’t Hire Contractors Who Overpromise
The article we linked to mentions a lot of good ways to find the best Houston remodeler for your needs. Following it should give you a pretty good idea of what your remodel could cost and the time it could take. So if a contractor gives you an almost unbelievable estimate of the time and cost, move on. Don’t assume they’re the Wizard of Remodeling.
If the estimate they gave was actually possible, the other contractors you researched would have given you something similar. If the estimate sounds too good to be true, it likely is.

Verify all information you have.

Verify the Houston Remodeler’s Address
In the Hurricane Harvey article, the Greater Houston Builders Association CEO Casey Morgan stresses that bad contractors don’t just overpromise. They’ll ask for money up front.
“In the state of Texas, it’s illegal for a contractor to require payment up front if they can’t prove to you they have a physical address in the county where the job will occur, or adjacent county, for at least a year,” said Morgan, “The state of Texas put that into place to try to curtail the kind of environment that’s really rampant after a natural disaster.”
If a Houston contractor can’t prove they have a brick and mortar building yet demand money right away, don’t hire them.
Like Christi Thompson, Monica and James Daly had hired Pete Vasquez to fix what Hurricane Harvey had broken. He not only promised that the work would be completed under budget and faster than expected; he demanded a payment of $25,000 up front. Over the course of the supposed remodel the Dalys paid around $120,000 for work that turned out to be shoddy and left them worse off than before. They met Thompson through their lawyer and realized that Vasquez had promised both of them great results but never wanted to follow through.
This is why it’s always important to thoroughly verify any all information you have on your prospective contractor. As Thompson and Daly’s horrible ordeals show, a glowing recommendation is not enough. You have to ensure they have a psychical address, have past clients who are happy with the end result, and authentic photos to show their best work.
Now that you know what red flags to avoid you can start the exciting search for home remodeler!
Hire Premier Remodeling Today
Premier Remodeling is a full-service Houston remodeling company specializing in many different types of home renovations. We pride ourselves on the quality of our craftsmanship and the integrity and expertise of our team. If you’re looking for a reliable Houston remodeler, call us at 713-532-1100 or click below to schedule an on-site visit to discuss your options.